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Portugal: Carnations against Dictatorship | Documentary

In April 1974, left-wing factions in the Portuguese military staged a coup against the authoritarian ...View More

Forgiveness in Rwanda | Documentary

In April 2024, Rwanda commemorates the 30th anniversary of the genocide, a highly traumatic event in ...View More

The Afghan Resistance | Documentary

The resistance against the Taliban is embodied by the Massoud family and is organised in the rebel p ...View More

Morocco: After the Earthquake | Documentary

Five months ago, the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Morocco killed 3000 people and injured 56 ...View More

Japan: Death by Work (2018) | Documentary

Karoshi in Japanese means death by overwork. Due to an excessive work ethic, one in five workers in  ...View More

Rebel Egyptian Music | Documentary

In Egypt, Mahraganat is controversial. Coming out of Cairo's densely populated working-class distric ...View More

Russia Battles a Low Birth-rate | Documentary

Putin wants Russians to have large families. His government's policies to repopulate Russia is havin ...View More

Are Animals Cleverer than Us? | Documentary

Vultures can spot a dead antelope from five kilometres away, while seals can dive into deep water, e ...View More

Polish Border Bazaars | Documentary

All over Europe, prices are rising with rampant inflation. At the border bazaar in Łęknica, Poland t ...View More

Poor in a Rich Country | Documentary

With one of the highest GDP per capita in the world, Luxembourg is a rich country. Yet there are soc ...View More

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